8 Diesel engine facts you don’t know yet

You may have been using diesel fuel and diesel engines for some time, but you possibly don’t know some basic diesel engine facts. In this article, I will be sharing with you nine basic facts about it, and I hope you will learn something new in the end.

Basic diesel engine facts

Diesel engine has some advantages and I encourage you to read my previous article on this topic.

1. Diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines.

Did you know that diesel engines are twice efficient than gasoline engines? Of course, they are! It is a known fact that gasoline engines are only about 20% efficient while diesel engines offer about 40% efficiency. 

Statistics show that 80% of gasoline engines fuels are usually lost to friction, noise, or engine functions, or escape as heat via the exhaust. In contrast, diesel engines can reach 40% efficiency and higher, thereby giving you more mileage per gallon. 

2. Diesel fuel is less flammable than gasoline

Unlike gasoline that inflames at every slight contact with fire, diesel fuel is less doable. For instance, if a lit match drops into a bowl of diesel, the fire will go out, unlike what is obtainable with gasoline.

Be careful not to experiment with fire and gasoline because it will get out of hand, and you may likely sustain some injuries in the process. 

However, this does not mean you can keep diesel fuel close to fire or fire-prone places.

3. Production of biodiesel on the rise.

The production of biodiesel is on the rise in recent years because of the global quest for greener energy. All things being equal, the trend will continue as-is for some time. 

4. At high altitudes, diesel engines get better power than gasoline.

Gasoline engines are ratio-specific, which makes it a bit difficult for them to be optimally efficient at high altitudes. However, diesel engines are turbocharged so they can pump enough air into the combustion chambers at high altitude. This unique feature sets diesel engines apart from gasoline engines.

Other things you need to know

5. Diesel is not as dirty as you thought

Diesel fuel is not as dirty as many thought it to be. The introduction of diesel particulate filter was a good initiative that has since turned diesel engines from being dirty into an environment-friendly spec.

6. Improved technology

Diesel engines have never been static as manufacturers keep introducing new technology to meet automobile and engineering trends. 

7. Diesel engines are more durable.

The durability of diesel engine surpasses that of gasoline engines. All it requires to keep your diesel engines going is regular maintenance and repairs.

8. Quick start.

Unlike what is obtainable some years ago, diesel engines will start instantly without delay. You no longer have to wait for long before it comes on.

In summary, diesel engines are more durable, fuel-efficient, and environmentally friendly.