Oil Product Offer: 900 Trucks LPFO (Allocation) For Sale

900 Trucks LPFO (Allocation) For SaleHere’s one of our offers buyer and users of Low Pour Fuel Oil don’t want to miss. We are currently offering 900 trucks LPFO  (Allocation) for sale to any capable buyer.  This offer is open to both buyers and end users.

The minimum order quantity for this offer is 100 trucks but we can as well sell to single buyer. Loading point is Warri refinery. This isn’t an offer with chain of intermediaries and that means you are in for hitch-free transaction


900 Trucks LPFO (Allocation) For Sale by Owner

You don’t need to go through any rigorous task to access the product in question. Just hit any of the green buttons and tell us your desired quantity.  Also, you may choose to call us and we would be glad to give you every information you so desire.