What is Diesel Oil Additive?

Are you wondering what kind of additives you been adding to your diesel engine oils? Could it be detergents or metal deactivators? In this article, our focus will be on what diesel oil additive is as well as the many types of fuel additives there are.

What is Diesel Oil Additive

Diesel oil additives are chemicals compounds that are added to diesel oil to improve its quality. The addition of additives to the base oil may be at the refinery as well as the distribution terminal. Also, it may be added by an end-user to increase the performance of base oil.

Types of Additives

There are at least six types of additives which include:

  • Anti-wear additives
  • Viscosity modifiers
  • Detergents
  • Corrosion and rust inhibitors
  • Antiformants
  • Dispersants

Anti-wear: This type of additive covers parts and surfaces of the engine to protect them from wear resulting from heat. When added to lubricants, Anti Wear additives are essential molecular compounds that curb metal-to-metal contact between parts of gears. They are lubricant components that chemically react with the metal surface that needs protection.

An anti-wear additive does not only curtail friction but also stops engine seizure as well as prevents corrosion. It forms a lubricious sacrificial coating that ensures harder and continual use has little or no impact on the metal. Anti-wear additives produce a surface that is harder than the unprotected base metal.

Viscosity Modifiers: Viscosity modifiers are polymeric molecules that are sensitive to temperature. They are used to improve the oil viscosity index concerning changes in temperature. Low temperature attracts contraction of the molecule chain while high temperature attracts relaxation of molecules and invariably increase in viscosity. The main advantage of this type of oil additive is that it helps in maintaining the viscosity of oil irrespective of the prevailing temperature.

Other Diesel Oil Additives

Detergents:  They help in cleaning and neutralizing impurities and invariably prevent oil sludge. Detergent additives are potent for sludge prevention reason being that they contain magnesium sulfonates. They are used to clean or remove deposits from engine parts to prevent rust.

Corrosion and Rust Inhibitors: These additives protect the engine from damaging chemicals, they neutralize acids found in oil and slow down oxidation. They fend off the water by creating a barrier on the metal parts of the engine, as well as preventing rust and corrosion.

Antifoamants: Anti-foam additives are polysiloxane-based compounds used in multifunctional additive packages. The primary reason for adding antifoams is to stop oil from foaming as it moves through the engine. Antifoaming oil additive decreases the surface tension between air bubbles and engine oil by allowing them to pop and vanish. They indirectly protect your engine from corrosion and other diesel engine problems.

Note that excessive use of antifoams may increase bubbles instead of decreasing it.

Dispersants: Just like the name implies, they are additives that help to clean your engine and protect it from impurities and particles. Dispersants are lubricant additives that help in preventing sludge and other deposits from forming on critical surfaces in your engine.

In conclusion, diesel oil additives are essential thanks to the many derivable benefits traceable to them. They don’t just improve engine performance but also enhances your engine’s lifespan.