what to check when buying fairly used truck

You may not have sufficient money to buy a brand new diesel truck, but you can get a functional, fairly used one at a lesser price. In this article, I will reveal some of the things to look out for when inspecting a fairly truck you intend to buy.

Before I talk about today’s topic, I will like us to know a few factors that may necessitate the option of buying a fairly used truck. Almost everyone wants to buy brand new vehicles, but not everybody needs it.

Why Fairly used diesel trucks?

Low budget or not enough money: Your first consideration should be your budget because no amount of wishful thinking can earn you a brand new truck. So, if you are on a low budget or do not have sufficient funds, you need not stress yourself over the acquisition of a new vehicle, but rather, go for a fairly used one that is not expensive.

For temporary use: If you are buying a truck to execute a short term contract, you may not need a brand new one except it is mandatory. For instance, a project with six months lifespan does not require a brand new truck; you need to cut costs.

Reason for purchase: The purpose of purchase it must also reflect in your choice making. For example, if the planned project requires that you enter extremely rough terrains, a fairly used truck is possibly an ideal vehicle for the job.

Buying a Preferred Spec: There are times when nothing else appeals to your taste except a particular spec of a brand. That reminds me of one of my friends who like a specific Honda spec – end of discussion – he never stopped talking about it until he finally bought it.

Cost of maintenance: You are supposed to consider the cost of maintaining a vehicle before you buy it. Have you taken into consideration the availability of spare parts in the aftermarket? Except you have a fat pocket, you may not be able to cope with the cost of maintaining a brand new truck because their spare parts are not readily available in the market. By so doing, you will have no alternative than to patronize the brand’s accredited dealers for all services and repairs.

Things to consider when buying a fairly used truck

Without much ado, let me go straight to the point.

Talk to an expert: Without controversy, talking to an expert is the first thing to consider when trying to make buy decisions on used vehicles. There is no way you can compare your theoretical knowledge to their years of experience on the job. Furthermore, a piece of seemingly simple advice from an expert may save you several thousand dollars.

Check the engine: From my experience, the truck engine is more important than any other component because, without it, the truck is nothing but a carcass. Check to know whether it is hard starting or not, and if it is, check to discover the cause.

Also, you need to check to know the color of smoke coming out from the exhaust pipe. Is it white, black, blue, or green, because each color is a pointer to a probable problem?

Check the tires. Although tires are replaceable, check to know whether they are good or worn out. However, if the truck has been stationary for a long time, the tires may be looking good, but no longer safe to use.

Also, check to see if the tires are wearing out at the edge, an indication that they are not well aligned. Additionally, you need to check their expiry dates to know how long they will still be safe for use.

Check the oil levels: You need to check the oil levels and color to know whether the truck is due for an oil change. What about the power steering oil level? Is the steering rotating well and smooth enough? If the power steering oil gauges but the steering stiffened, that is an indication that it’s faulty.

The gear is as necessary as the engine. Getting to know its conditions may require test driving because it’s one thing for it to function well when the vehicle is stationary, but it’s another thing to be able to drive the truck. Although some sellers may not want to allow test driving, you should demand it to know if the gear is in good condition or not.

Is there any warning signal on the dashboard? The dashboard is one of the right places to check for hidden engine problems because it will reveal some of the errors the seller may be trying to cover up. Whatever sign it is giving you, check with your mechanic or technician, the cost implications of the reported problem.

What about the cooling system? It is paramount you know the condition of the cooling system. Although it’s easy to spot malfunctions in the radiator, you may need to run the engine for some time for detection. However, if the cooling radiator looks too old, you should make provision for the replacement of the cooling system after purchase.

Check for oil leak: Oil leaks are signs that something is wrong somewhere in the engine, which could be as a result of one or two things. First, the truck may be lacking regular maintenance, possibly because the current owner is careless or does not want to spend more money on it, since it’s up for sale. Second, the oil leak may be as a result of worn-out oil seals or gaskets. In this case, the engine is sure in poor condition.

Any prior major accident? If it is a refurbished truck, inquire to know if its refurbishing is a result of a fatal accident. Be careful not to buy a vehicle that has gone through thorough refurbishment because there may be some hidden damage you will have to deal with in no distant time.