29th April 2018 Diesel Offer: 10K Metric Tonnes Available

AGO OfferIf your Automotive Gas Oil storage tank is currently empty, why don’t you take advantage of our 29th April 2018 Diesel offer? You can have up to ten thousand metric tonnes of Automotive Gas Oil delivered into your tank within the shortest possible period of time.

This is an ideal offer for Ready, Willing and Able buyers who who would like to confirm product availability before raising any payment instrument. Offer permits you to board and confirm product before before committing your fund into the transaction.

29th April 2018 Diesel Offer Benefits

One major benefit of this offer is that it gives room for product confirmation before any financial commitment. Also, the automotive Gas Oil on offer is of good density and that will in no doubt enhance more demand from by your customers.

The procedure for this transaction is simple and doesn’t give room for fraudulent activity and time wasting. All it takes to complete the deal is your readiness to inspect and confirm product quality and quantity and thereafter effect payment for cargo.AGO Offer


You don’t have to worry over meeting your customers demand