Diesel Offer 6th November 2018: Two Trucks of AGO Available

There are two trucks of Automotive gas oil available for sale at a competitive price. The two trucks of AGO are available on first come first served basis. Each truck contains forty five thousand litres each and that brings total volume to ninety thousand litres. You may choose to receive product at your preferred discharge … Read more

24th May 2018 Diesel Offer : 10,000 Metric Tonnes AGO

Take advantage of our 24th May 2018 Diesel Offer

Take advantage of our 24th May 2018 Diesel Offer and fill your your empty tank within the next few days.Whether you want it via ship-to-ship transshipment or tank farm delivery, this offer comes with simple transaction procedures. Price for this offer is competitive and payment terms are friendly. Procedure For 24th May 2018 Diesel Offer … Read more

29th April 2018 Diesel Offer: 10K Metric Tonnes Available

29th April 2018 Diesel Offer

If your Automotive Gas Oil storage tank is currently empty, why don’t you take advantage of our 29th April 2018 Diesel offer? You can have up to ten thousand metric tonnes of Automotive Gas Oil delivered into your tank within the shortest possible period of time. This is an ideal offer for Ready, Willing and … Read more