Crude Oil Supply to Kaduna Refinery: Nigeria Signs MoU With Niger Republic

The Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation is doing everything within its power to ensure steady supply of crude oil to Kaduna Refining and Petrol Chemical Company (KRPC). This according to NNPC officials have necessitated the federal government joint venture agreement with Niger Republic to run pipeline that will facilitate crude oil supply to Kaduna refinery.

It is believed government’s decision to enter the agreement with Niger Republic is as a result of militant activities in the Niger Delta which have crippled crude oil supply to Kaduna Refining and Petro-Chemical Company (KRPC). The government realize the need for alternative source of crude oil supply to KRPC  to boost local production and supply of petroleum products.

A member of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation board of directors, Mallam Mohammed Lawal, spoke on the progress made on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government of Niger Republic on the project. He says the agreement will not only benefit the northern part of the country but also, the entire country at large.

In his words ”We are in the preliminary stage of the project. If this crude is refined in KRPC, it is not only the Kaduna people or the North that will benefit from it, as it will serve the entire country. Nigeria is losing a lot of revenue from the sector due to the activities of the militants, and we have the KRPC there in Kaduna, which is some kilometres from Niger. Now that we have an agreement with Niger Republic, I think we should exploit that avenue to ensure that there is adequate supply of crude to Kaduna refinery for constant production and supply of fuel and other products in the country.

“And this partnership will bring a lot of revenue to Nigeria. Also, the issue of Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) of Kaduna refinery is very crucial to the performance of the plant. Now that this joint agreement is on, we should really take this TAM of the plant seriously, so that we take advantage of the crude that will be pumped into the plant from that country.”

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