Diesel Fuel Depot Price for 02/09/2022

Are you aware that diesel price dropped yesterday at the depot? Yes it did! Here is Diesel fuel depot price for today

AGO Offer.

PRODUCT: Automotive Gas Oil
LOCATION: Lagos Depot
PRICE: N715 per litre
QUANTITY: Unlimited

There is a million litres of Automotive gas oil available for sale at a competitive price. However, this AGO offer is available on first come first served basis. You may choose to receive the product at your preferred discharge point or pick them up at Apapa.

Also, this offer comes with flexible payment options as you can make cash payment  or issue bank draft for total cargo. Please note that we won’t effect delivery until draft is authenticated by issuing bank.

Take advantage of this offer and get your business going..


  • Prompt delivery
  • Competitive price
  • Quality product
  • Time saving

Call us on +234815 262 8729 or hit the green button for more information or inquiries diesel fuel depot price for today.