How To increase fuel mileage

You will agree with me that diesel-powered engines are more economical than gasoline-powered engines. In today’s article, I will focus on few tips to help you reduce fuel usage, and increase fuel mileage.

You can increase your diesel fuel mileage by turning off your engine when it is needful, avoiding engine revving, and reducing the use of air conditioner. Other ways to increase fuel mileage is to avoid throttle punching, keep to the sweet spot of your engine, maintain a safe distance from the next vehicle, and keep to average speed on the highway. 

Furthermore, maintain a safe cruise control, do away with any needless speed increase, and be mindful of traffic lights.

Let me give brief explanations of each of them.

Always turn off the engine when necessary. Leaving your engine on when not necessary contributes to high diesel usage, so switch off the engine when needful. Also, undue warming of your engine is another habit to avoid.

Stop needless engine revving: One of the reasons drivers rev engines is the desire to switch gears. Try as much as possible to avoid quick gear switching, but rather, move slowly. It helps to save more fuel. 

Get to know your diesel engine’s sweet spot: Finding to know the speed at which your truck gives the best mileage is essential. That will not only give you the needed cruise but also gives you a positive fuel use rate.

Reduce air conditioner usage if need be: If you keep your air conditioner running most of the time, expect higher fuel use. To increase your mileage per gallon, minimize its usage.

Avoid throttle punching: Punching your throttle consumes more fuel than usual, so smoothly and steadily accelerate to save more fuel.

Maintain a safe distance from the next vehicle.  Maintaining a safe distance from the car ahead of you will save you from sudden brake matching. Note that you need more fuel to rev up after a quick halt of your engine.

Maintain a normal high way speed. Moving on average pace does not only help you get to your destination safely; it also gives you fuel mileage. That is because it lowers your vehicle’s fuel consumption.

Keep a balanced cruise control: Having a consistent cruise speed all the way gives you higher mileage because you do not have to punch the throttle to climb hills.
Avoid unnecessary acceleration: Avoid punching hard on the throttle when approaching a hill. Except not possible, allow the current momentum of the vehicle to carry it over.

Be mindful of traffic lights: Stopping at traffic lights consumes more fuel, so if it is about to turn green, slowly move to the point, it will help you save more fuel.

Keep your tank free from contaminants. Another way to increase fuel mileage is to keep your tank free from fuel microbes and other pollutants. That is to prevent the injector from getting clogged and malfunction.