Huge Loss: Nigeria Lost N217bn to Gas Flaring in 2016

Gas flaring is no news in Nigeria but if the current data from Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation is anything to go by, it’s shocking to know that the country lost at least N217bn last year no thanks to continued flaring of gas by major oil and gas companies The Punch reports.

It was reported that a total of 244.84 billion standard cubit feet of natural gas was flared during the said period.

According to the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, “Total gas supply for the period, January 2016 to December 2016, stood at 2,581.42 billion scf, out of which 1,448.91 billion scf (307.16 billion scf and 1,141.75 billion scf for the domestic and export market, respectively) was commercialised while non-commercialised stood at 1,132.52 BCF.

“Out of the 788.11million scf per day of gas supplied to the domestic market in December 2016, about 480.64 million scfpd of gas, representing 60.99 per cent, was used for gas-fired power plants while the balance of 307.47 million scfpd or 39.01 per cent was supplied to other industries.”

“Similarly, for the period of January 2016 to December 2016, an average of 839.70million scfd of gas was supplied to the domestic market, comprising an average of 517.92 million scfd or (65.72 per cent) as gas supply to the power plants and 321.77 million scfd or (40.83 per cent) as gas supply to industries.”

How can Nigeria discourage gas flaring? Could it be that the government care less about its impact on the economy as well as its health implications on her citizens?  WE hope the federal government will look into it and put a stop to it in no distant time.

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