Pipeline Explosion: Industrial Gas Supply Resumes Soon

The Managing Director of the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited, Mr. Tony Atah has said that the company will commence industrial gas supply within the next few days, The Guardian reports.

According to Mr. Attah, the company has commenced rectification of exploded pipelines so as to make way for smooth resumption of industrial gas supply to its customers. He however said the exploded pipelines belongs to a third party but not NLNG.

In his words, “Our engineers are working with the other engineers to see that we restore the pipeline back. “The pipelines will be restored this week and gas transmission will commence immediately.”

He, however, said that the explosion did not affect the domestic supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which is cooking gas, for local consumption.

You will recall that NLNG initially claimed ownership of the exploded pipelines and accused Integrated Data Services Limited, a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation of carelessness. The company’s claim was refuted by NNPC and its subsidiary on the ground that their employees maintained the required safety  distance while carrying out their operations around the hazard point.

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