Top Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Engines

The use of diesel engines comes with several advantages, which include cost-effectiveness, fuel efficiency, and engine durability. Other benefits of diesel engines are Better Resale Value, use of Multiple fuel types, and many more. In this article, our focus would be on the advantages and disadvantages of diesel engines.


As mentioned earlier, diesel engines have a lot of advantages, which include fuel efficiency, cost-effectiveness, engine durability, and better resale value,

Diesel fuel is more efficient: One of the main benefits of diesel oil is its efficiency. Diesel-powered engines can cover a longer distance with the same volume of fuel when compared to gasoline-powered machines. Also, they can generate more mileage of up to 30% of what gasoline can with the same quantity of fuel.

It has its efficiency in the use of a compression-ignition system, which differentiates it from conventional gasoline systems. Also, it has a higher compression level, and that gives room for the system to produce more energy with a minimum volume of fuel.

Diesel Engines are More Durable. The technology employed in building a diesel engine is usually durable when compared to a gasoline engine. Moreover, it is made of higher quality materials to have the needed capacity to withstand its environment concerning temperature.

Also, diesel engines last longer when compared to gasoline oil, but this is subject to consistent maintenance on the part of the user. Additionally, diesel trucks have a longer lifespan and can run for at least 500,000 and as much as 800,000 miles.

Diesel Cars Have Better Resale Value: The resale value for diesel engine cars or trucks is better when compared to gasoline engine cars because they have a longer lifespan and are easy to maintain. Also, the state of its body doesn’t have much impact on its resale value because most buyers are interested in the engine more than its current body shape.

Minimal Price Difference: Although diesel engines are a bit higher in price than their gasoline counterpart, you cannot but agree that the price difference is insignificant in real terms if you consider its lifespan.

Use of Multiple Fuel Types Advantage: Unlike a standard petrol engine, diesel engines cars and trucks can use multiple oil types such as waste vegetable oil (WVO) and biodiesel. To obtain B20 biodiesel, you need a blend of straight diesel and organic-based fuel with 80 and 20 percent composition.

However, you need to understand that the use of alternative oil such as WVO requires engine modifications to avoid the congealment of oil.

Disadvantages of diesel engine

Not Price Friendly in Some Areas: Its retail price is usually higher when compared to the gasoline pump price in some areas. The reason for this varies, which may include tax, government regulations, and so on.

Another reason for higher prices is the increase in demand for diesel fuel and other distillate fuel oils in places like Europe, China, India, and the United States. Also, the transition to less polluting, lower-sulfur diesel fuels in some countries affected diesel fuel production and distribution cost.

Diesel fuel pollutes more: Contrary to initial beliefs, a new finding has it that a typical diesel car emits 42.65 tonnes of carbon dioxide over its life cycle or 3.65 tonnes more than a petrol car. Although diesel-powered vehicles such as commercial trucks are few on our roads when compared to petrol vehicles, they remain the main generator of higher concentration of Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA).

Noise Pollution: The technology behind diesel engines gives room for it to be noisy. Meanwhile, its noisy nature is a product of higher vibrations resulting from spontaneous and violent combustion.

How does a diesel engine work? A diesel engine doesn’t make use of an external source of spark, but only get turned on when compression ignites its fuel.

Cold weather makes for a harder start: You are probably not going to enjoy a diesel engine in the winter season because of the paraffin content in your fuel. Diesel fuel usually gels in cold temperatures, and when that happens, starting your engine may become hard or impossible. 

However, to prevent congealment, you will need to fix a block heater to your engine.

Now that you know the many advantages and disadvantages of diesel engines, why don’t you check out the uses and advantages and disadvantages of diesel oil here?